Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Anyone for Radish?

Sorry for the lack of updates. It seems that we are being pulled in all directions lately. In the past week and a half we have worked on barn stalls, worked in the greenhouse in the evenings, we have gotten the back wheels of the tractor fixed and have been working full out getting ready for our apprentice.

We had our annual peer review meeting with our local members of MCOG. At these meetings the members of a local group go through each members applications. During these meetings we discuss any concerns about we may have about each others applications and any concerns that we are having with our production. There were no concerns about Chestnut Acres application for re-certification. Now we wait for our inspection by a certified inspector in the summer. They will make any recommendations for any concerns they may have with our production.

Yesterday my father-in-law and I went to Fredericton for the day to take part in a cover crop workshop. It is something that we will have to work with to really learn what suits our us and our farm. There isn't a single answer or formula for cover cropping but experimenting and careful documentation is definitely in the cards for years down the road.


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