Wednesday, 26 March 2008

More Lambs!!

I hope many of you got the chance to listen to Maritime Noon call-in show on CBC today. I really enjoyed it. If you missed it I think you can go to the Maritime Noon webpage and download todays show. The show was on buying local and how we as consumers can support our local farmers.

News from the barn.....

Our ewe "Erica" gave birth to a ram Monday night. She was really spooked. Andrew and I brought the lamb into the house for the night because it was going to be so cold and we were worried about Erica's ability to look after him. We brought him in and gave him a warm bath to clean him up a bit and dried him off really well. He spent the night in our bathroom. He was blaating in the bathroom and the dog was in the kitchen barking for most of the night.

Yesterday morning we took him out to Erica. After a full day of latching the lamb onto Erica and forcing her to stand still she seems to behaving like a good mother. We checked on her many times today to see how they were both doing.

Our ewe that gave birth last Thursday got her head stuck and had to be rescued. She is the one we have started to call "Shaggy".

Everything we have planted in the greenhouse seems to be growing well. The growing season seems so far off still the falling snow outside.

I am off to Fredericton tomorrow for a Canadian Young Farmer's forum.


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