Saturday, 7 January 2012

New Years Resolution!!

I hope this year I will be able to keep our blog up to date. I had good intentions last year but things got busy quickly and it was neglected. We had a successful CSA and blueberry harvest in 2011.

This was our first berry harvest and it proved to be challenging at times. We raked berries during the day and processed at night. Like the CSA we hope this aspect of the farm will get easier as we go along. We purchased harvest bins and a winder. A conveyor belt was built to help with the sorting of the berries. As the berries are winded they fall down onto the belt where three people sort out any other debris and then they are put into boxes at the end of the belt.


The large 10,000 sq greenhouse was completed in 2011. Installation of furnaces and duct work is still an ongoing process. We are thankful for the light snow so far this winter. When we dug this irrigation pond for the large greenhouse we didn't even think about it being great for skating. The girls are loving it!!

This root cellar was built in 2010.  It proved to be invaluable in 2011.  This is where we stored and packed our CSA bags and where we stored produce over night for the market.  The cellar is cool and humid for storing the produce until our customers come or we take it to market.  Our pick-up CSA customers know to go to the root cellar to get their weekly bag.  Having this space for working during the hot months makes a big difference in the quality of the produce and the life of the produce.  Before having the root cellar our customers would pick their CSA bag up from our porch.