Thursday, 5 May 2011

2011 CSA

There are a few spots left for the upcoming 2011 CSA. These spots are for pick-up at the farm. We have increased the number of CSA spots for 2011 in hopes that it will be a great year.

It has been a busy spring already here on the farm. With everything that is going on and that needs to be done it is hard to balance farm life and family life.

Our smaller greenhouse has been sowed with mainly spring crops, trays are constantly being seeded, the pasture has been seeded and gardens have been ploughed. Our main battle of the spring has been trying to get the plastic on our new greenhouse. The wind made it hard to get very far with putting the plastic on.

The asparagus, garlic and herbs have all survived the winter. We were worried that the snow load of this winter was going to take our small greenhouse but it managed to hold it's own. Next year with the large greenhouse I am sure there will be constant worries about wind and snow load.

The season starts..

Trays of seedlings ready to go out in the garden within the next couple of weeks. The greenhouse has been seeded with spring greens, green onions, carrots and lettuce mixes.

Our larger greenhouse has been slowly taking shape. The wind has been hard on us this spring.

Everyone had to help re-roll a roll of plastic after a gust of wind blew it up like a sail.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

It's February Already!!

It's February already and that means planning for the 2011 is fully underway. Seed orders, greenhouse prep, labour decisions, CSA member lists, garden planning and even seeding has started.

Trays of green onions and bulbing onions have been seeded and placed in our newly built germination chamber. We have built the germination chamber to hold 20 seed trays. We are hoping to get higher and faster germination with our trays.

Some of the berries we offered our CSA customers in 2010.

Getting greens ready for a Wednesday CSA.

Neighbour brought 19 hives to the farm in June.