Sunday, 26 July 2009

Week Three of CSA.

The third week of CSA deliveries has come and past. There have been some set backs that we have had to overcome and are still dealing with. We have been slowly regaining control in the vegetable gardens. We could not get in the fields to cultivate because of all the moisture. It was stressful not to be able to see what was growing withing the weeds. Now with a lot of the weeding done we are more confident with the progress of the gardens. Because the weeds grew so fast we are now discovering what seeds were smothered out and are doing some reseeding. We have not started selling at the Kingston Farmers Market yet because we are focusing on the CSA and making sure that we have what we need each week for the bags. The potatoes are doing much better than last year. We will be offering new potatoes this week in our bags.

We have been making some final decisions about the open farm day. August 15th will be the day. The time will be between 1pm and 4pm. We will be putting more details in the August newsletter.

Week 3
Spring Turnips
Green Onions
Mixed Lettuce
Beet greens
Garlic Scapes
Snow peas

Monday, 13 July 2009

At least we have rain...

The weather hasn't been too cooperative this year. With all of the rain it has been hard to get on the fields to even weed. The weather has been great for the slugs unfortunately. The slugs ate a whole bed of lettuce in the greenhouse. The temperatures have been cooler here as well.
Thinking back to last year this year is a lot better already At least things are growing even if not as fast as we would like them. Last year there was no rain for irrigation and the irrigation spring on the mountain couldn't recharge itself fast enough. We dug two new irrigation holding ponds on the mountain.

July 8th was our first CSA delivery day. Because we took on more customers this year it takes a full day of non-stop work to get the bags ready for 4:00pm. It will take a couple of weeks to get the systems going smoothly. The most trying part of the evening deliveries was finding street names and house numbers but we found everyone.

Because of the wet weather we were just able to get the lime and pelletized chicken manure spread on the fields. The oats and clover will be sowed this week.

If you have been to the Kington Farmers Market you would have noticed that we have not been selling our produce yet. We are aiming to start in August. We have put off going to the market to concentrate on the CSA bags.
In the above picture there is Mizuna with honey mustard, balsamic vinegar and alive oil. Tangy but good. Andrew made up some club sandwiches using our lettuce, chicken and bacon. We had swiss chard, spring turnips and tatsoi sauted with chinese cabbage and garlic.